Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cheryl's Surgery

Got in touch with Cheryl and she is home from surgery. - Glitter Graphics

Thinking about you. Get feeling better soon.

Love, Trish & Rose

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cheryl's Surgery

Yesterday Cheryl had surgery on her back. The took some of the screws out of the lower back from the previous surgery because it had healed. Then they took part of a disc and removed a cyst from her spine. Then they fused some more in her upper back. She came out of the surgery just fine. We got a call from Monty about 9:00 telling us that she is doing well.

Our best wishes to Cheryl and hopes that she will be feeling better soon.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Let's get started!!

Trish started this Blog right after the family reunion. Unfortunately it has taken quite a while to get things going. We haven't quite got this figured out, but we are going to try to let everyone see what is started.

The hope is that we can use this location to keep in touch with each other, share the news and post pictures of our families.

Have a great day. We are looking forward to everyone's additions.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

art of the day

enjoy our new art of the day feature.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

This is great.

This is great. Let's keep this going.

first blog

this is our new family blog..more to come soon.

Beth and Cheryl

Beth and Cheryl

Neil & Ivy

Neil & Ivy

Austin, Beth, Cheryl & Ivy

Austin, Beth, Cheryl & Ivy

Troy, Alex, Riley, Carina & Trisha

Troy, Alex, Riley, Carina & Trisha

Rodney, Alex, Cheryl, Ken, Ivy & Neil

Rodney, Alex, Cheryl, Ken, Ivy & Neil